Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai fait ?!
Je suis innocent. Je ne négocie pas des trafics de vodka frelatée avec les russes; mais j'aime bien quand les gens parlent comme eux en oubliant des mots ^^. Je ne fais pas de trafic de drogue avec les portoricains; le Nutella me suffit, et c'est pas génial quand on le prend en intraveineuse ou dans le nez. Je ne fais pas passer des prostituées thaïlandaises; mais par contre, j'avais un voisin au bout de la rue qui voyageait beaucoup là-bas, et sa fille était différente à chaque retour...
Alors pourquoi est-ce que j'ai encore un sud-africain qui me propose de faire passer 16,25 millions de dollars et d'en récupérer 25 % ?!
Tenders Committee
South Africa Department of
Minerals & Energy
Pretoria, South Africa.
I am Cala Indwe, a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I am an Executive Director with a South African Government ministry. I am also the Secretary of the Tenders Committee set up by the government to look into contracts under the Department of Minerals and Energy.
Be informed that a member of the South Africa Export Promotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the government delegation to your country during a trade exhibition gave your enviable credentials/particulars to us. I was mandated to seek your confidential co-operation in the execution of the project I am about to describe. This project will be of great benefit to all parties involved and hope you will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this transaction.
Within the Department of Minerals and Energy, we (me and four of my colleagues) discovered and we have in our possession as overdue payment bills totalling Sixteen million, two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars (US$16.25M) which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a foreign
company/individual to receive the said fund on our behalf or a reliable foreign non-company account to
receive such funds. Moreso, we are handicapped in the circumstances, as the South Africa Civil Service Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate offshore accounts hence your relevance in the whole
This amount US$16.25M represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of this
Department by a foreign contracting firm, which was over-invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract cost have been paid to the original contractor, leaving the balance in the tune of the
said amount which we have in principle gotten approval to remit by key-tested telegraphic transfer (K.T.T.)
to any foreign bank account you will provide by filing an application through the Justice Ministry here in
South Africa for the transfer of rights and privileges of the former contractor to you.
I have the authority of my partners to propose that SHOULD YOU BE WILLING to assist us in
this transaction, your share of the sum will be 25% of the total sum, 70% for us and the rest for taxation
and miscellaneous expenses. The business itself is 100%-SAFE for all involved. This is possible if on your part , you treat it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality. Please note that your area of specialisation is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I wish reposed my confidence (which the committee vetoed) in you and hope that you will not disappoint me. Endeavour to contact me immediately by email, whether or not you are interested in this deal. If you are not, it will enable me scout
for another foreign partner to carry out this deal. I want to assure you that my partners and myself are in
a position to make the payment of this claim possible provided you can give us a very strong assurance and
guarantee that our share will be secure. Please remember to treat this matter as a very confidential
matter, because we will not comprehend with any form of exposure as we are still in active government
service and.
Due to the funds we borrowed to process this project to this stage, time is of essence because of interest on borrowed funds. Also furnish me with your contact telephone and fax number, so that I can forward to you more information concerning the project.
I await in anticipation of your fullest cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Cala Indwe
Notez que celui-là veut avoir notre numéro de téléphone au lieu de nous filer le sien... Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le début de cette - hilarante - saga, vous pouvez lire les deux premiers épisodes ici et là.
Alors pourquoi est-ce que j'ai encore un sud-africain qui me propose de faire passer 16,25 millions de dollars et d'en récupérer 25 % ?!
Tenders Committee
South Africa Department of
Minerals & Energy
Pretoria, South Africa.
I am Cala Indwe, a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I am an Executive Director with a South African Government ministry. I am also the Secretary of the Tenders Committee set up by the government to look into contracts under the Department of Minerals and Energy.
Be informed that a member of the South Africa Export Promotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the government delegation to your country during a trade exhibition gave your enviable credentials/particulars to us. I was mandated to seek your confidential co-operation in the execution of the project I am about to describe. This project will be of great benefit to all parties involved and hope you will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this transaction.
Within the Department of Minerals and Energy, we (me and four of my colleagues) discovered and we have in our possession as overdue payment bills totalling Sixteen million, two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars (US$16.25M) which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a foreign
company/individual to receive the said fund on our behalf or a reliable foreign non-company account to
receive such funds. Moreso, we are handicapped in the circumstances, as the South Africa Civil Service Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate offshore accounts hence your relevance in the whole
This amount US$16.25M represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of this
Department by a foreign contracting firm, which was over-invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract cost have been paid to the original contractor, leaving the balance in the tune of the
said amount which we have in principle gotten approval to remit by key-tested telegraphic transfer (K.T.T.)
to any foreign bank account you will provide by filing an application through the Justice Ministry here in
South Africa for the transfer of rights and privileges of the former contractor to you.
I have the authority of my partners to propose that SHOULD YOU BE WILLING to assist us in
this transaction, your share of the sum will be 25% of the total sum, 70% for us and the rest for taxation
and miscellaneous expenses. The business itself is 100%-SAFE for all involved. This is possible if on your part , you treat it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality. Please note that your area of specialisation is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I wish reposed my confidence (which the committee vetoed) in you and hope that you will not disappoint me. Endeavour to contact me immediately by email, whether or not you are interested in this deal. If you are not, it will enable me scout
for another foreign partner to carry out this deal. I want to assure you that my partners and myself are in
a position to make the payment of this claim possible provided you can give us a very strong assurance and
guarantee that our share will be secure. Please remember to treat this matter as a very confidential
matter, because we will not comprehend with any form of exposure as we are still in active government
service and.
Due to the funds we borrowed to process this project to this stage, time is of essence because of interest on borrowed funds. Also furnish me with your contact telephone and fax number, so that I can forward to you more information concerning the project.
I await in anticipation of your fullest cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Cala Indwe
Notez que celui-là veut avoir notre numéro de téléphone au lieu de nous filer le sien... Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le début de cette - hilarante - saga, vous pouvez lire les deux premiers épisodes ici et là.
Par Raton-Laveur le 31 août 2002, 01:22 - Général - Lien permanent
Moi c'était 25% de 21 millions :-p
Et lors de la campagne de décolonisation, les pays concernés vinrent réclamer leur dû. Le truc, c'est qu'avec les intérêts sur le temps accumulé, la dette des pays européens était astronomique. En fait, il s'avèra que le poids en or nécessaire pour les rembourser était supérieur au poids de la planète... Et que par conséquent, la sacro-sainte "dette du Tiers-Monde" n'est que supercherie puisque ce sont les pays du Nord qui ont une dette envers eux ^_^ .
Mais c'est vrai que le continent africain est plus riche qu'on ne le croit :) . Pourquoi est-ce que les Santa Barbara, Amour, Gloire et Beauté et autres ne se passent pas là-bas ?